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FOI Request re Min Max Fees paid for 2022/23  and April 2022 Average

FOI Response – May 23

Letter in respect of Fee Approach for 2022-23, covering the: Fair Price for care – Nov 2021

No Response Received – Nov 2021. (See Existing Fair Price for Care Communications under 22/23 fees, sent ion Oct 21)

CE Follow-Up letter – Feb 22

COVID Funding & FOI Summary Document (NO RESPONSE YET) – Last Updated 08.06.21

April FOI sent to all LAs – Fee evidence 2020-2022 – April 2021

No response received yet

Follow up letter sent to all DASSs (re ¬£1.55bn) – 19 March 2021 Letter 

Response received 02 July 2021

Letter sent to all DASSs on 2021/22 fees –  04 February 2021 Letter

Trafford Council response 

 December FOI 2020 sent to Trafford – Response (March 2020)