Home / Resources & Guidance / Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

On this page you can find up to date links, documents and other publications publicly available, we urge you to check our membership page for further information for Care England members only COVID-19 (PPE) page.  (for login details members please send email to info@careengland.org.uk

Personal protective equipment (PPE) recommendation for unpaid carers – guidance
Last updated 16 December 2021 ‚Äî 
This resource outlines personal protective equipment (PPE) advice for unpaid carers.

How to order PPE using the PPE Portal – video 

PPE portal: how to order COVID-19 personal protective equipment (PPE) – guidance
Published 5 June 2020 | 22 October 2021, 

Eligible health and social care providers can order PPE through the portal to meet the increased need that has arisen as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Information on recall of Obisk Blue Tree Face Type IIR mask – MKTIIR0214 (tie back) and MKTIIR0199 (ear looped). – letter 22 October 2021
Batch/LOT numbers:

• 101000345
• 101000346
• 101000348
• 101000349
• 101000350

Free personal protective equipment (PPE) scheme – policy paper
Published: 30 September 2021
The provision of free PPE for all health, social care and public sector workers for COVID-19 infection control, between 1 April 2021 and 31 March 2022.

Personal protective equipment (PPE): local contacts for providers – guidance
Published 23 October 2020 | 16 July 2021, 
A list of local contacts for providers who are not on the PPE portal. Providers can get PPE through their local authority or local resilience forum.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) illustrated guide for community and social care settingsguidance  09 June 2021
This resource outlines personal protective equipment (PPE) advice for health and social care workers working in the community.

Full Support Healthcare Easimask FSM25 – letter  02.06.2021
Important notice relating to the delivery of Full Support Healthcare Easimask FSM25 (SKUBWM536) to your organisation.

‘How to Work Safely’ (care homes) guidance – ‘Frequently Asked Questions’
Compiled from the Public Health England and Department of Health and Social Care webinar – 18th May 2021

DHSC research to better understand the experiences of PPE of frontline staff – Factsheet – May 2021

PPE reimbursement for non-hospital providers – guidance

Published 16 December 2020 | Last updated 22 January 2021 ‚Äî see all updates
Sets out the process for reimbursing non-hospital care providers for personal protective equipment (PPE) bought as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Government to extend free COVID PPE for health, social care and wider public sector services until at least the end of June – Facts Sheet 


The supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) during the COVID-19 pandemic – NAO report 25.11.2020
This report examines:

  • responsibilities for PPE supply in England (Part One);
  • the emergency response to PPE shortages, focusing on the performance of national bodies in obtaining and distributing PPE to local organisations (Part Two);
  • the experience of health and social care providers and their workforce (Part Three); and
  • the Department of Health & Social Care’s (the Department’s) new PPE strategy (Part Four).

Personal protective equipment (PPE) strategy: stabilise and build resilience – Policy paper
Published 28 September 2020 | Last updated 29 September 2020 + show all updates
The government’s strategy for preparing for a second wave of COVID-19 covering supply and logistics for distribution of PPE.